Freitag, 23. September 2005

Deutscher Buchpreis

Unter den "shortgelisteten" AutorInnen des Deutschen Buchpreises befinden sich sage und schreibe 3 (drei!) ÖsterreicherInnen: Mayröcker, Kehlmann und Geiger. In die Vorauswahl, d.h. auf die sogenannte "Longlist" schafften es sogar 6 ÖsterreicherInnen (Franzobel, Henisch, Mayröcker, Geiger, Grill und Kehlmann). Vergeben wird der Preis wird zum 1. Mal am 7. Oktober anlässlich der Eröffnung der Frankfurter Buchmesse vergeben. Österreichischer Juryvertreter ist übrigens Falter-Chef Armin Thurnher.


The Movie Blog is - obviously - a blog about movies. It's owner started blogging in 2001 and soon realised that there were more and more postings about films ... and consequently started up The Movie Blog in 2003.

CF on Movieblog

I've just found a movieblog with a CF entry ... read on .

P&P Lecture in BC

On 4 October a Berlitz trainer will give a lecture about P&P in the British Council. She'll discuss the subject, the characters ... But you'd have to register with Berlitz.

Pride & Prejudice

Can it be? Can it really, really be that there soon is to be a new film version of P&P? Starring Keira Knightley and Dame Judy Dench. The male main part ... well, never heard of Matthew MacFadyen although he's apparently appeared in "Enigma".

Another CF fan

Quite a nice comprehensive site have a look here.

The Jane Austen Book Club

A colleague just gave me this book by Karen Joy Fowler. Here's the synopsis: In California's Sacramento Valley, six people meet once a month to discuss Jane Austen's novels. They are ordinary people, neither happy nor unhappy, but all wounded in different ways, all mixed up about their lives and their relationships. Over the six months they meet marriages are tested, affairs begin, unsuitable arrangements become suitable, and, under the guiding eye of Jane Austen, some of them even fall in love ...
Who's Your Jane Austen?
More about Jane Austen's P&P
Republic of Pemberley
The Jane Austen Society

Nanas Weblog

it's my pleasure!

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Im happy I finally signed...
Youre so cool! I dont suppose Ive read anything this...
Raleigh (Gast) - 1. Jun, 20:50
C'est la rentrée ici
Also zeitgleich mit meinem Start in Brüssel beginnt...
nana30 - 3. Sep, 00:00
B-Day: Baba Wien ......
Hurra! Es ist sich also ausgegangen. Nach einem äußerst...
nana30 - 31. Aug, 22:14
T-12: Ausmisten + Abschiede
Jetzt wird's schon langsam ernst: Die Abschiede mehren...
nana30 - 19. Aug, 20:28
T-20: The boxes have...
So, now after the first few farewells, the boxes did...
nana30 - 11. Aug, 21:05




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