
Sonntag, 29. Januar 2012

Tribut den "Gesetzlosen"

Unlängst in im Kosmoscafe Gaga:rin, einem netten, unprätentiösen, vegetarischen, aber leider verrauchtem Lokal unweit der Uni, stieß ich auf die Leiberlkollektion Outlaw Legend, die den sogenannten Gesetzlosen Tribut zollt. Auf 16 Modellen werden die Gesetzlosen mit ihrem Portrait, ihren Lebensdaten und Motto in unterschiedlichen Farben und Größen verewigt, darunter sogar 5 Frauen, die als Piratinnen, Banditenköniginnen oder Brigantinnen gegen Ungerechtigkeiten kämpften. Nachzulesen gibt's dazu dann noch - soweit bekannt - die historischen Daten.

Montag, 27. Dezember 2010

What's in a shirt ...

... or the secret second life of my old t-shirts: According to a small sample collected by Huffington Post you definitely shouldn't bin your old tees but should rather turn them into notebook pyjamas, cusions, quilts (which a friend of mine has actually done recently), skirts, necklaces, bags or undies ... so enjoy revamping DIY!

Samstag, 23. Oktober 2010

Trachten à la autrichienne

I've just discovered that I went to the very same school as the designer whose work I've been admiring for quite some time: Susanne Bisovsky - the only - tiny - difference being that when she graduated from our school she went out to conquer the big world of fashion with her very own style, whereas I'm still not too sure about what to do and how...

Et voice un article sur elle que j'ai trouvé sur le blog Tapouillon

Et puisque nous parlons de la mode autrichienne, voici la boutique Bows & Bandits.

Viel Spaß mit den österreichischen Trachten

Samstag, 2. Mai 2009

Scent of My Life

How on earth have I been able to survive without this heavenly scent? It was only in March 2008 that I discovered "Ellenisia" in the kingdom of Penhaligon's. With its head notes of mandarin zest and violet leaf, heart notes of gardenia petals, rose, tuberose and jasmine, and base notes
plum nectar and vanilla this nymph-inspired scent created in 2004 it is highly addictive.

Lisa D is coming to town

And there is she again. Lisa D - A designer form Graz, based in Berlin coming to Vienna from 4 to 10 May 2009. I just love her designs, patterns and fabrics. But come and see for yourself. She'll be selling her spring 09 collection at the boutique Gegenalltag in Museumsquartier.

Mittwoch, 9. Juli 2008

No jems anymore!

The terrible truth is that the girls form jem closed their online boutique! I'd just sent off my second order - I'd only discovered this lovely online shop a couple of month ago - when I discovered that they were about to close. Where will I now buy the latest stuff from, Nougat or Byoung?

Sonntag, 8. Juni 2008

A real gem!

Jemboutique: I discovered this cute British online shop a while ago when browsing the internet for stuff from the Irish label Avoca which I'd discovered in a tiny boutique in Cheltenham back in November 2006. Jemboutique is very user-friendly online-shop, with various options to search and browse their collection, with a zoom tool with which you can really make out colours and textures of the togs and once you've ordered the parcle containing your new gems is there in no time ... and we're talking about a delivery to the continent there;-) the only tiny downside was that they don't support credit cards from dinersclub and bank transfers are a bit tricky too due to the fact that - obiously - they're based in non-euro UK.

Dienstag, 3. Juni 2008

Regency vs Empire

Just so that I won't forget where to get the patterns to sew original dresses Jane Austen or Josephine might have worn. Either the Jane Austen Centre in Bath - they even do accessories like straw bonnets and lace gloves. Or - which might be even easier due to the euro -

Knitting 1940ies

I've again fallen for period dress. The amazing V&A has published original 1940ies knitting patterns on it's website ... horray - finally know what to do during this year's dark long and lonely winter evenings!

Sonntag, 22. April 2007

Clean Clothes Campaign

Clean Clothes Campaign

Nanas Weblog

it's my pleasure!

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Im happy I finally signed...
Youre so cool! I dont suppose Ive read anything this...
Raleigh (Gast) - 1. Jun, 20:50
C'est la rentrée ici
Also zeitgleich mit meinem Start in Brüssel beginnt...
nana30 - 3. Sep, 00:00
B-Day: Baba Wien ......
Hurra! Es ist sich also ausgegangen. Nach einem äußerst...
nana30 - 31. Aug, 22:14
T-12: Ausmisten + Abschiede
Jetzt wird's schon langsam ernst: Die Abschiede mehren...
nana30 - 19. Aug, 20:28
T-20: The boxes have...
So, now after the first few farewells, the boxes did...
nana30 - 11. Aug, 21:05




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